In the New York Times, on Thursday 25 February, they carried a story of an agreement being made about the final dismantling of the Bankers Trust (Deutsche Bank) building damaged in the 911 “terrorist” scam. This paper as usual with the media has printed the usual lies with regard to 911 and this building which you can read here: .
Contrary to the claims of this paper this building was lightly damaged by the Direct Energy Weapons that turned the Twin Towers to dust. The building was actually repaired but like the Twin Towers site itself the effects of the Direct Energy Weapons is on-going and is causing the steel in the building to slowly dissolve.
Here are some more photographs from Dr Judy Woods evidence where she has proved that it was Direct Energy Weapons and not terrorists that destroyed the Twin Towers at 911 and is suing the US government (NIST) and over twenty US companies and individuals for lying about this.
The picture above left shows the damage to the Bankers Trust building and the picture on the right shows the repaired building.
This picture shows one of the smoking guns that proves that it was Direct Energy Weapons that turned the Twin Towers to dust and caused the gash on the front of this building. Notice the damage to the steel girder that is twisted and burned, certainly not caused by falling steel, and the way that the floors have been almost perfectly cut out down the gash.
The picture above left shows the Bankers Trust building being taken apart after being repaired while the picture on the right shows why. This building like the Twin Towers site is still, in the words of Dr Judy Woods, in the process of molecular dissociation that was initiated on 911. In other words the energy that was used to turn the steel and concrete of the Twin Towers to dust is still ongoing – although at a much slower rate. The picture on the right shows the girders dissolving, the “rusty” one in the middle is actually one of the new ones that replaced the ones turned to dust.
This picture is of the temporary PATH train station that serves the World Trade Center site. This was to the date of Dr Judy Woods Affadavit, 2006, the fourth temporary station as they keep having to dismantle it and rebuild for the same reasons as the Twin Towers site and the Bankers Trust building above as you can see by the state of the “rusting” new girders above. I wonder how many times it has been replaced since then?
These pictures and many more relating to Dr Judy Woods, and Dr Morgan Reynolds, court cases against the US government (NIST) and over 20 US companies and individuals, with all the evidence can be seen and downloaded at Why are the press and media covering up for mass murderers?
Shall we continue our discussion elsewhere? Chez moi, for example?