Oh Dear! It seems that there has been a spanner thrown into the debate between the Creationists and the Evolutionists with the excellent news that the Starchild Skull has been finally proved by DNA analysis, against the might of the establishment, to be the skull of an ALIEN from another world – All thanks to the hard work of Lloyd Pye and other “conspiracy theorists” who believed rightly that we were not alone in this universe and are in fact regularly visited by these ALIENS.
Watch the following video where Lloyd Pye shows with DNA evidence plus the “MYTHS” of the ancients that we humans were engineered as slaves 200,000 years ago when we first appeared on this planet in South Africa to work the gold mines for these ALIENS:
In the following video Lloyd Pye tells the story and shows the DNA evidence that has finally proved that the Starchild Skull was an ALIEN as Lloyd and others have claimed all along. Of course there is silence from the churches, government and media etc who have been conning the people as to what is really going on for centuries:
It seems that scientists are getting close to the evidence that we are actually living in a Computer Generated Holographic Universe as per one of my previous posts and as reported here in the following Infowars video report and elsewhere:
Yes everything has been created including ALIENS – That means Computer Programmers, Physicists, Engineers etc etc – So no need to get down on your knees to grovel to anyone. We are all part of the ONE consciousness – every living thing! Stop relying on others to make this world a better place – The power is with every single one of us – together!
We Are The Aliens On This Planet! Created By ALIENS! Starchild Skull Proven By DNA To Be ALIEN To This Planet!