This book can be preordered at WH Smith online for an excellent price HERE.
As usual the media are very silent on this case and how many of them will be reviewing this book when it comes out – none of course the media being involved in 911 and 7/7 and you can see why by the fact that they continue to put out the usual government holiday “terrorism” scare as we have seen again this Christmas with the usual useless half-wit terrorists who let them know what they are going to do and when to save anyone the hassle of actually being victim to a terrorist atrocity. Of course, who is actually behind these supposed terrorists in the first place, as if we dont know.
Meanwhile other people are also fighting back against the silence of the media as can be seen in the following clip where they are even advertising on the TV in the US in order to get a new independent inquiry into the collapse of Building 7 at 911 whilst Dr Judy Wood concentrates her case on the Twin Towers.
Billy billy billy you really do need to get a life!!!!
Anonymous 2 January 2011
What an intelligent comment – not! Must be one of what is left of the SNP, or Labour, in Renfrewshire.
Nothing to say about any of Dr Judy Wood's evidence or that of the Architects and Engineers in the video – then again we can't have you taxing your brain cell, can we!
I like the coverage you give "the big conspiracy", however with corruption amongst Public Officials and many Elected Members within Renfrewshire Council to expose; I have my hands full myself. One of the biggest uildings in New York falling down for no reason! If I was American I would be embarrassed that my government offered the world at large such a pathetic excuse.
Gary Pearson
I like the coverage you give "the big conspiracy", however with endemic corruption amongst Public Officials and many Elected Members within Renfrewshire Council to expose; I have my hands full myself.One of the highest buildings in New York falling down for no reason! If I was an American Citizen I would be embarrassed that my government offered the world at large such a pathetic excuse.
Gary Pearson
Building 7 had no logical reason to fall.
It was not hit with a plane.
It was the 3 rd highest building in Manhattan.
No fire has ever dropped a building like that it is not possible.
This is easy to understand and good reason to have the full facts investigated, deliberately leaving no stone unturned.
What ever the outcome of an investigation to follow people would need to be satisfied mad conspirators were not on the loose. The American Public, rightly are not buying it. This will be interesting to follow, with the American Public heading for an epic depression to rival all those that came before. The east has all the cards now we are the slaves of Multi Nationals how bloody sad.
Good coverage Billy. Love that mug shot it makes me laugh every time pal. Gary P