Robert Green Jailing Blows Up In Corrupt Scottish Legal System And Governments Faces!

A belated post due to health/internet and computer issues but for all of you that do not know Robert Green as per the post below who was jailed for highlighting the Hollie Greig paedophile case was released early from prison on May 17th after supporters posted 50.000 leaflets in Aberdeen regarding this disgusting crime and cover up. The illegal jailing of Robert Green has backfired on the corrupt Scottish justice system and has highlighted this case to the entire Aberdeen population and also the other towns and cities of England that were leafleted as well. More about Roberts release can be read here at

Back in April I received the following email letter relating to my email to the First Minister and the other Party Leaders – Kudos to the First Minister for passing it on but the silence from all the other politicians says a lot about them regarding this case:

Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Crown Office, 25 Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1LA
Policy Division
Mrs Michelle Macleod, Head of Policy
Tel:0844 561 2000
Billy Carlin Fax:
Your ref:
Our ref:
Date: 4 April 2012
Dear Mr. Carlin
I am writing in response to your e-mail of 10 March 2012 to the First Minister
concerning the case of Robert Green. As your e-mail relates to the investigation and prosecution of crime in Scotland it has been passed to me to reply.
As you may be aware, following a trial on summary complaint at Stonehaven Sheriff Court, Robert Green was convicted of breach of the peace and breaches of bail. As with any case, the decision to prosecute was taken after full and careful consideration of the facts and circumstances. This was a serious matter involving the publication of offensive and alarming allegations which had a significant impact on the people who were the subject of the material Robert Green published.
Decisions as to whether to prosecute individuals are always taken independently and impartially based upon whether there is sufficient, admissible, credible and reliable evidence in law to take proceedings and if so whether it is in the public interest to doso.
I enclose a note of the sentencing remarks made by the Sheriff which gives an insight
into the background and seriousness of the offending.
Yours sincerely
Policy Division

The Enclosed note:

You will notice how the Sheriff in his sentencing comments is the one who is obsessed with his own importance – he is being the police, prosecutor, judge and jury in his summing up. He has listened to the evidence of one side in this case without ANY evidence from Holly Greig or any of the other SEVEN victims. Either this Sheriff is very stupid or he is very corrupt make up your own minds people.

I sent the following email in reply to the Crown Office and forwarded it to the First Minister and party leaders:

On 06.04.2012 11:33, Billy Carlin wrote:
Reply to Crown Office.

FROM: Billy Carlin []
SENT: 06 April 2012 11:26
TO: ‘Policy Division’
SUBJECT: RE: Your e-mail of 10 March 2012 to the First Minister

Dear Mrs MacLeod,

Thank you for your response of the 5th April regarding the Robert
Green/Hollie Greig case. Could you please give me answers to the
following questions which arise out of your correspondence:

1: When since was it the job of the Police, Crown Office and
Procurator Fiscals Office and Courts to spend tax-payers money on
protecting PRIVATE individuals against “offensive and alarming

2: How could the Sheriff have listened to the evidence of 9 of those
involved if NO-ONE has been interviewed by the police?

3: Could you please provide me with the Date and Reference Number of
the police interviews of all of the accused in this case?

4: Did the Sheriff also look at the evidence relating to Hollie in
this case?

5: Did the Sheriff look at the evidence by the other 7 victims in
this case?

6: Could you provide me with the Date and Reference Number of the
police Interviews of these 7 other victims in this case?

Yours sincerely

Billy Carlin

Funny how to date I have not received a reply to these simple questions and still the silence from all the other party leaders regarding this case. I passed all this correspondence on to Roberts supporters at the time and I hope that Robert will take legal action against the Scottish Government and Crown Office for his illegal and corrupt jailing over this case. All of the people involved in this disgusting crime against Holly Grieg and the other SEVEN victims and the people involved in trying to cover it up including the Scottish Government and Crown Office have been served notice with regard to the thousands of people going out and leafleting Aberdeen and the other towns and cities that the people are awakening to what is going on now and are not going to put up with corrupt politicians, police, officials etc any more. All of you people still in your wee political party cults should be warned by this case and the silence of these political leaders just how much they put their wee political parties and jobs as politicians before you the people and all the politicians under them are just the same.

1 thought on “Robert Green Jailing Blows Up In Corrupt Scottish Legal System And Governments Faces!”

  1. No surprise here Billy considering the Tom Hamilton/Dunlane case was dumped in a government shelf where the general public cannot access the files for 100 years.

    Add the D NOTICE request given to newspapers not to print anything about the 180 or so politicians. Including top ministerial positions that operation ORE caught buying kiddie porn and any sane person can see the establishment are rotten to the core.

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