Well done to all of those showing their support to Robert Green by writing to, and visiting him in Perth Prison and the good news is that after the Scottish Government/Justice System’s dirty tricks he has finally after nearly five weeks got to see his solicitor and has his application for bail in. The joke is if he had actually been a paedophile instead of someone exposing them they would have let him out on bail right at the beginning or for anything more serious for that matter.
Then again when you have something big to cover up that involves some of your fellow satanic paedophile mason pals and maybe even you yourself you will do anything you think that you will get away with especially when you think that you have the entire establishment behind you. What gets me is the stupidity of the people who join such things as the masons who not have the brains to know that the likes of this organisation is what the Elites use to find their USEFUL IDIOTS to help them keep control over their fellow human beings. These USEFUL IDIOTS are so dumb that they do not realise that these Elites are poisoning them and their families with Fluoride in their toothpaste and water and with Mercury, Formaldehyde, MSG, Aluminium etc in their vaccines and their GM food and robbing them stupid like the rest of us with their banking and financial system – in fact they are so stupid that they do not realise that when the Elites manage to bring in their New World Order that their fate is going to be exactly the same as the rest of us – if you are not a blood relative of the Elites then you are just what they call the rest of us – Useless Eaters, Scum, Slaves etc.
The good thing is that there is a great awakening going on in the world just now to all of this, with this being the Age of Aquarius, and more and more people are doing what EVERYONE should be doing and standing up for THEMSELVES and for EVERYONE who cannot do so such as the victims in this case and ALL of the other victims that are still being abused by the paedophiles in our establishment and also all of the other scams these people, including ALL of the political parties, are committing against EVERYONE.
With regard to Robert Green and the Hollie Greig scandal I received the following reply from the Scottish Crown Office to the email I sent out to all of our USELESS Scottish MP’s and MSP’s, as per the last post, titled “Final Response” which says a lot considering it is their only response:
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Oh Dear! The Scottish Government and Crown Office must have made a mistake by saying “prosecution of Mr Green” instead of PERSECUTION of Mr Green and missed out “for telling the TRUTH”, they have again failed to answer my, and everyone else’s, questions as per my emailed reply below which they have not even acknowledged never mind answered to date:
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No wonder why our Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and Police cannot find any evidence when they DELIBERATELY do NOT interview the people accused of the crime or ANY of the OTHER victims. To be fair there are decent police out there wanting to do their jobs and being stopped from doing so by their fellow corrupt satanic paedophile masonic workmates doing their utmost to stop them and the same goes for the Crown Office etc.
The one answer that we have from the horses mouth is that they have been using tax-payers – that is right YOUR money – to carry out PRIVATE prosecutions on behalf of the ex-Lord Advocate for what she calls slander but which is fast being exposed as being the TRUTH in her, and the Crown Office and Scottish Governments, quest to silence Robert Green and anyone else exposing what they are up to.
It is time the people of this country did the same as the Icelandic people and jailed every single corrupt person, not just the Bankers and Politicians deliberately involved in bankrupting our country like they did, but every single person involved in disgusting stuff such as this and the people helping them cover it up.
The entire story of the Hollie Greig case and more beside can be read at the following excellent site by a REAL investigative journalist unlike your mainstream press and media. To get the rest of the story click on the newest posts at the bottom of the page – Click HERE
Robert Green and Hollie Greig! – The More The Corrupt Scottish Politicians, Police and Judiciary Try And Cover This Up The Bigger It Gets Worldwide! APATHY Gets YOU The World YOU Deserve!