Paedophilia – This Is Why It Is Such A Problem – Political Parties Need To Be banned!

Here is ALL the proof you need as to how USELESS and CONTROLLED our politicians are especially in the political parties. This was emailed to ALL Scottish MP’s and MSP’s on the 5th November and to date not one single reply from ANY of them. What this tells you is that these politicians do not care about YOU the people. They do NOT care about the victims of these paedophiles who are probably still abusing AND killing kids because they are gutless wonders who only care about the position and the money that goes with it and most of all they would rather protect paedophiles to protect their wee party political cults. This is why there is so much corruption and paedophilia in this country – time to ban political parties as they are just full of USELESS corrupt ROBOTS who HAVE to follow the party line – plus the FACT that ALL of these political parties are CONTROLLED by the BANKERS and GLOBALISTS who use paedophilia to control politicians. The email sent to ALL of the politicians below:

Dear Ms May,

We have sent this email below to all Scottish Mps and MSPs regarding
paedophilia in the UK asking them to get the Scottish and UK
government to deal with the issues related to this, especially the
Dunblane shootings and Operation Ore which the Labour party covered
up to hide the senior paedophiles within their party and the Hollie
Greig case. Tom Watson MP seems to want to make this a party
political affair when it affects all parties.


Billy Carlin

——– Original Message ——–

Fwd: 30.000 Kids Disappearing, Paedophilia and
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:17:33 +0000
From: Billy Carlin
To: Tavish Scott MSP
, Thomas
Docherty MP , Tom
Clarke MP , Tom Greatrex MP
, Tom Harris MP
, Tricia Marwick MSP
, Willie
Bain MP , Willie
Coffey MSP
, Willie
Rennie MSP

——– Original Message ——–


30.000 Kids Disappearing, Paedophilia and Politicians!
Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:15:27 +0000
Billy Carlin
To: Nicola Sturgeon MSP ,
Nigel Don MSP ,
Pamela Nash MP ,
Patricia Ferguson MSP ,
Patrick Harvie MSP ,
Paul Martin MSP ,
Paul Wheelhouse MSP ,
Peter Wishart MP ,
Rhoda Grant MSP ,
Richard Baker MSP ,
Richard Lochhead MSP ,
Richard Lyle MSP ,
Richard Simpson MSP ,
Robert Smith MP ,
Rob Gibson MSP ,
Roderick Campbell MSP ,
Roseanna Cunningham MSP ,
Russell Brown MP ,
Ruth Davidson MSP ,
Sandra Osborne MP ,
Sandra White MSP ,
Sarah Boyack MSP ,
Scottish Ministers ,
Sheila Gilmore MP ,
Shona Robison MSP ,
Siobhan McMahon MSP ,
Stewart Hosie MP ,
Stewart Maxwell MSP ,
Stewart Stevenson MSP ,
Stuart McMillan MSP

——– Original Message ——–


30.000 Kids Disappearing, Paedophilia and

Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:11:40 +0000

Billy Carlin
Lindsay Roy MP ,
Malcolm Bruce MP ,
Malcolm Chisholm MSP ,
Marco Biagi MSP ,
Margaret Burgess MSP ,
Margaret Curran MP ,
Margaret McCulloch MSP ,
Margaret McDougall MSP ,
Margaret Mitchell MSP ,
Margo MacDonald MSP ,
Mark Griffin MSP ,
Mark Lazarowicz MP ,
Mark McDonald MSP ,
Mary Fee MSP ,
Mary Scanlon MSP ,
Maureen Watt MSP ,
Menzies Campbell MP ,
Michael Connarty MP ,
Michael Matheson MSP ,
Michael McCann MP ,
Michael McMahon MSP ,
Michael Moore MP ,
Michael Russell MSP ,
Mike Crockart MP ,
Mike MacKenzie MSP ,
Mike Weir MP ,
Murdo Fraser MSP ,
Nanette Milne MSP ,
Neil Bibby MSP ,
Neil Findlay MSP

——– Original Message ——–


Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: 30.000 Kids Disappearing,
Paedophilia and Politicians!

Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:07:43 +0000

Billy Carlin

Jim Eadie MSP ,
Jim Hood MP ,
Jim Hume MSP ,
Jim McGovern MP ,
Jim Murphy MP ,
Jim Sheridan MP ,
Joan McAlpine MSP ,
Joe FitzPatrick MSP ,
Johann Lamont MSP ,
John Finnie MSP ,
John Lamont MSP ,
John Mason MSP ,
John Park MSP ,
John Pentland MSP ,
John Robertson MP ,
John Scott MSP ,
John Swinney MSP ,
John Thurso MP ,
John Wilson MSP ,
Jo Swinson MP ,
Katy Clark MP ,
Keith Brown MSP ,
Ken MacIntosh MSP ,
Kenneth Gibson MSP ,
Kenny MacAskill MSP ,
Kevin Stewart MSP ,
Kezia Dugdale MSP ,
Lewis MacDonald MSP ,
Liam McArthur MSP ,
Linda Fabiani MSP

——– Original Message ——–


Fwd: Fwd: 30.000 Kids Disappearing, Paedophilia
and Politicians!

Mon, 05 Nov 2012 19:01:38 +0000

Billy Carlin

Fiona O’Donnell MP ,
Frank Doran MP ,
Frank Roy MP ,
Gavin Brown MSP ,
Gemma Doyle MP ,
George Adam MSP ,
Gil Paterson MSP ,
Gordon Banks MP ,
Gordon Brown MP ,
Gordon MacDonald MSP ,
Graeme Dey MSP ,
Graeme Morrice MP ,
Graeme Pearson MSP ,
Gregg McClymont MP ,
Hanzala Malik MSP ,
Helen Eadie MSP ,
Hugh Henry MSP ,
Humza Yousaf MSP ,
Iain Gray MSP ,
Iain McKenzie MP ,
Ian Davidson MP ,
Ian Murray MP ,
Jackie Baillie MSP ,
Jackson Carlaw MSP ,
James Dornan MSP ,
James Kelly MSP ,
Jamie Hepburn MSP ,
Jamie McGrigor MSP ,
Jean Urquhart MSP ,
Jenny Marra MSP

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Fwd: 30.000 Kids Disappearing, Paedophilia and
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 18:55:57 +0000
From: Billy Carlin
To: Charles Kennedy MP ,
Chic Brodie MSP ,
Christina McKelvie MSP ,
Christine Grahame MSP ,
Claire Baker MSP ,
Clare Adamson MSP ,
Claudia Beamish MSP ,
Colin Beattie MSP ,
Colin Keir MSP ,
Danny Alexander MP ,
Dave Thompson MSP ,
David Hamilton MP ,
David McLetchie MSP ,
David Mundell MP ,
David Stewart MSP ,
David Torrance MSP ,
Dennis Robertson MSP ,
Derek MacKay MSP ,
Douglas Alexander MP ,
Drew Smith MSP ,
Duncan McNeil MSP ,
Eileen McLeod MSP ,
Eilidh Whiteford MP ,
Elaine Murray MSP ,
Elaine Smith MSP ,
Elizabeth Smith MSP ,
Eric Joyce MP ,
Fergus Ewing MSP ,
Fiona Hyslop MSP ,
Fiona McLeod MSP

——– Original Message ——–

Subject: 30.000 Kids Disappearing, Paedophilia and
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2012 18:50:58 +0000
From: Billy Carlin
To: Adam Ingram MSP ,
Aileen Campbell MSP ,
Alan Reid MP ,
Alasdair Allan MSP ,
Alex Ferguson MSP ,
Alex Johnstone MSP ,
Alex Neil MSP ,
Alex Salmond MSP ,
Alison Johnstone MSP ,
Alison McInnes MSP ,
Alistair Carmichael MP ,
Alistair Darling MP ,
Anas Sarwar MP ,
Angela Constance MSP ,
Angus MacDonald MSP ,
Angus MacNeil MP ,
Angus Robertson MP ,
Annabel Goldie MSP ,
Annabelle Ewing MSP ,
Anne Begg MP ,
Anne McGuire MP ,
Anne McTaggart MSP ,
Ann McKechin MP ,
Bill Kidd MSP ,
Bill Walker MSP ,
Bob Doris MSP ,
Brian Adam MSP ,
Brian Donohoe MP ,
Bruce Crawford MSP ,
Cathy Jamieson MP

Dear MP/MSP as named above,

With regard to the paedophile scandal in the national news and media I 
am writing to you to highlight the fact that this is a major problem at 
the top in society and the fact that these people are getting away with 
this is because of politicians and the political parties. Watch the 
videos at the following links to see a part of how huge the scale this 
disgusting problem is and how it has been covered up until now :

I would like you to read the posts, watch these videos, and :

1) Urge the Scottish and UK governments to un-classify these documents 
relating to the Dunblane shootings as this has nothing to do with 
national security but is a criminal act to cover up the disgusting 
paedophiles implicated in this crime.

2) Urge the Scottish and UK governments to instigate criminal 
proceedings against the paedophiles in ALL of the cases I have 
highlighted in these posts/videos including everyone involved in the 
cover up of these disgusting crimes.

I look forward to hearing what you are going to do with regard to this 
as these paedophiles are still at large and are probably still abusing 
kids while your parties do NOTHING with regard to this at present - as 
you will see all the party leaders in Scotland know about the Hollie 
Greig case. You all have the power together to tackle and solve this - 
by doing NOTHING you are involved.

Billy Carlin
Forwarded To :

Richplanet TV
UK Column Live
Alex Jones at Infowars
Belinda McKenzie at Hollie Demands Justice

Paedophilia - This is why it is such a problem - 
Political parties need to be banned!
The usual excellent show from UK Column Live showing how little the
politicians at Westminster are interested in the abuse of kids also:

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