Independence Or Not? The Stupid Divided Slaves Vs The Stupid Divided Slaves – Carry On With Your Masters Agenda Or Waken Up For The Sake Of Your Kids!

How amazing to see the millions of people in Brazil today on the news all grovelling to their new slave master the Pope – a man and organisation that has been lying to, conning and controlling them and us for thousands of years along with the other religions, royalty and the elite banking families. These are the same people that control our political parties and their agendas and yet you have people in these political party cults, not many left these days mind you, and the people who blindly follow these controlled political parties no matter what they do because they are in a cult mentality.
The following video shows how much we are ALL slaves to the Vatican, bankers, governments etc and how they make billions out of EVERY single one of us from birth to death and how we are ALL millionaires at this very moment and don’t even know it – Poor mugs buying lottery tickets every week and they are already millionaires? WE do NOT own anything – the Vatican owns everything we own:

The Bilderberg Group is also another layer in this cabal that controls our politicians and political parties and here at the 2013 meeting they have been forced to be more transparent in order to make it appear that they are not the secret conspiracy that they have been up to now. Here is the excellent David Icke speaking to the biggest crowd that has attended one of these meetings to date about what is going on:
This video should shake you out of your lazy ignorant slumber if nothing else will:
Here is a video of the excellent John Harris that should wake you all up to how you are ALL slaves and wasting your time voting for political parties. The Parliaments, politicians, police and councils work for YOU so why do you fear and bow down to them?
Yes Independence! Here is where the REAL agenda of ALL the controlled political parties is heading – World Government CONTROLLED by the Vatican, royalty and elite bankers etc – Absolutely NO independendence for Scotland, the UK or ANY country – And it is NOT for the benefit of the people as OUR already useless votes will be taken away from us all:

Everything that is happening with the banks and economies etc just now is deliberate to bring about this World Government so it is about time for YOU the people to decide what your priorities are – Brain dead TV junk, Sport etc or the future of your families and friends? Time to work for each other – We are all born EQUAL – It is these religions, royalty and bankers etc that have divided everyone from birth to maintain their control over us. We ALL have the power – that is what THEY fear!

Independence Or Not? The Stupid Divided Slaves Vs The Stupid Divided Slaves – Carry On With Your Masters Agenda Or Waken Up For The Sake Of Your Kids!

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