Councillor Cameron And Renfrewshire Council Under Police Investigation!

On the 29th October I reported Councillor Cameron to the Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police for committing fraud with regard to the Poll Tax, Council Tax and Working Families Tax Credits and for illegally obtaining a Council House that she was not entitled to. I have also reported her for driving illegally without a license and for fraudulently claiming mileage allowance from April 2001 to May 2003 when apparently she only passed her driving test in 2007.

I have also reported Renfrewshire Council to the Chief Constable for covering up for Councillor Cameron’s fraud and lying to the police with regard to this matter.

This was already reported to the Council by myself on the 6th March 2007 and after they “investigated” my claims they found not one bit of evidence against Councillor Cameron. Knowing there were other witnesses to the contrary, as well as myself, I then subsequently reported this matter to the police who were shown the “evidence” by Renfrewshire Council relating to their “investigation” and concluded that going by what they were shown there was nothing to investigate. I subsequently tried and failed to get the documentation relating to Renfrewshire Councils “investigation” under Freedom of Information.

The facts are that Councillor Cameron has been committing fraud with regard to the Poll Tax, Council Tax and Working Families Tax Credits. She also illegally and fraudulently obtained a council house she was not entitled to. She was driving illegally for a number of years and committed fraud with regard to claiming mileage expenses. There are witnesses to these things so who is doing the lying and covering up! As a result of all this fraud they have managed to buy their own council house, her mother-in-laws and her mothers council houses.

Something is really rotten about Renfrewshire Council – Watch this space!

29 thoughts on “Councillor Cameron And Renfrewshire Council Under Police Investigation!”

  1. Not surprised I might say. Has this guy not got previous with something like this. The biggest laugh is Eaddie Devine as depute whip, another brainless thug with no mates. That is all there seems to be left in Labour nowadays and that includes the women. It is these types that have forced the decent people out of the parties and that includes the SNP here in Renfrewshire.

    Imagine this Sharkey trying to say a Lib-Dem female was being aggressive and swore at him – you would be hard-pushed to find a namby-pamby Lib-Dem male to to that. Obvious lies from Sharkey then!

  2. Seen that, Kelly makes an arse of himself all the time. Trying to say that the opposite of what Sharkey says is the truth even though he has been disciplined for it, and then trying to say that what the Paisley Express printed was the opposite as well.

    If Kelly had one brain cell he would be dangerous!

  3. billy billy billy how can you of all people call anyone brainless, a thug and a liar? Two words spring to my mind POT and KETTLE! Oh and a wee tip for you buy a dictionary and sort your spelling out or whoever is scripting this nonsense for you!!!

  4. Oh Dear! One of the SNP or Labour numpties from Renfrewshire re Anon 28th November.

    You must have a severe problem with your spelling if you think I need a dictionary.

    And to be called brainless, a thug and a liar by what is left of the SNP and Labour in Renfrewshire what a laugh!

    I do not need anyone to write for me and we will see what the people think when all this information this is all put through the doors in Renfrewshire soon.

  5. Billy, Eddie Devine, how am I best to describe Fat Boy! Thug, Bully Boy, Racist, Liar, fat liar, Fat non entity, poor excuse for a human being, wife and daughter nothing short of scum, in fact a scum bag family, who did every thing possible to try and bring Glenburn down, they lied saying that an SNP person broke their window and damaged the fat lairs car, no wonder the people of Glenburn rejected this scum back for 12 years, he only got elected, due to the fact that his name was top of the Labour list, poor old Cllr Roy Glen, who is head and shoulders above this fat scum back got knocked out. Oh Billy did I tell you that Eddie is a fat scum back.

    Keep up the good work.


    Tom Flood.

  6. Billy,

    I hear a rumour in Glenburn, that Lorraine (bring on the cash machine) Cameron has been reported to the Police, lets watch and see how quickly the SNP distance themselves from her.

    I am surprised more has not come out! Now there’s a prophetic word, about David (I'm in the Closet) McCartney. A more puerile and vile human being you would not wish to meet on a dark, or any night.. He is just slightly above scum, but higher than Scum bag Iain (anyone for Family Credits) Nicholson (more like arse *ole) scum bag.

    Ted Cameron (No relation) thanks God!

  7. Billy,

    I hear a rumour in Glenburn, that Lorraine (bring on the cash machine) Cameron has been reported to the Police, lets watch and see how quickly the SNP distance themselves from her.

    I am surprised more has not come out! Now there’s a prophetic word, about David (I'm in the Closet) McCartney. A more puerile and vile human being you would not wish to meet on a dark, or any night.. He is just slightly above scum, but higher than Scum bag Iain (anyone for Family Credits) Nicholson (more like arse *ole) scum bag.

    Ted Cameron (No relation) thanks God!

  8. billy werent you proud to be one of those so called snp numpties at one point, werent you also a very keen campaigner for the snp group, werent you also an avid supporter of two of those snp councillors,didnt you also stand outside the polling stations proudly wearing an snp rossette and handing out snp leaflets in support of the snp? mind you werent you also thown out of the snp group? sounds like sour grapes to me billy!!!!

  9. I guess you are one of the many to dislike Devine then Tom. I know all about Labour's dishonest tactics when it came to election time. Ex-provost Allison was another who always got a brick through her window at election time with an SNP leaflet attached to it and a big spread in the Paisley Express, must hav got a discount on her glass for the business she gave to the glaziers.

  10. A rumour in Glenburn is it then Ted? Soon be facts when it goes through the doors.

    Funny how you are the only one to comment about the actual blog. There seems to be a great silence amongst the SNP with regard to this and a greater silence coming from Labour. Wonder why that is?

  11. Anonymous 01 December 2009

    "werent you also an avid supporter of two of those snp councillors".

    No I was an avid supporter of independence, I joined the SNP in order to gain independence not to backstab fellow nationalists on behalf of selfish scum who were only thinking of themselves.

    Yes I supported one SNP councillor when other SNP councillor scum were lying, committing perjury, illegally doctoring minutes etc to get that councillor thrown out of the party because the useless Jim Mitchell wanted into his ward.

    Yes I also supported the other SNP councillor when he also gave his support to the above councillor and became a victim of the same smears and lying by these same SNP councillor scum.

    Funny after letting SNP HQ know what was going on with the illegal stuff, and also criminal stuff that I discovered, by these SNP councillor scum they decided to discipline me, and throw me out, for calling these crooked backstabbing SNP councillors "scum" for what they were doing. Calling someone scum is more serious in the SNP than doing illegal or criminal stuff it seems.

    In Renfrewshire all that is left in the SNP is the numpties, all the decent people, sickened by the above, have resigned and left the party. These are the people who did all the work. All that is left are the lazy, think they are better than they are numpties, half of who are crooks.

    Nothing to do with sour grapes just do not like selfish scum. I see you are sticking up for the guilty by your silence on the issue on the blog!



  13. Youve got a cheek commenting on anybodies behaviour with women – do you not have a past history with women in the workplace? Maybe Cllrs Devine, Cameron and others should start investigating you – now there's a thought that might produce an interesting result. Have you got any pals or do you just sit all day with your limited imagination dreaming up conspiracy theories?

  14. ,

    Can I send my congratulations on bring the Labour Group and the SNP Group closer together in Renfrewshire, you couldn't separate these two groups, they really should merge the public think that way anyway, I got on the bus the other day and I sat behind two old dears, they were complaining about the state of Paisley and I quote, "the Labour Council have done nothing for this toon, next elections I'm voting for somebody else". They didn't even know that it's an SNP Administration, I rest my case.

    Stewart Cotton.

  15. Anonymous 04 Dec 23:06

    Actually no I do not have a past history with anything – feel free to investigate me for anything. I note your eagerness to ignore the dirty deeds of your fellow party members!

    I don't do conspiracy theories only facts! Why don't Labour have a totally independent inquiry into the London Bombings then we will see the truth?

  16. Anonymous 05 Dec 11:54

    There is no difference between Labour and SNP in Renfrewshire. They are both busily working together for the benefit of their fraudulent councillors, trying to pull the wool over their constituents eyes for nobody's benefit but their own!

  17. Ahhhh, didnt have much to say on that subject did you? You dont have a past history with anything? Could you be the new Jesus Christ? Then again, you dont have the followers he did, or friends – so maybe not.
    Interesting how stuff that is said about everyone else has got to be true – but you are challenged and it is a lie – sounds like someone else we know who has a blog but different politics from you…….two hapless men who are trying to prove their manliness by slinging untrue allegations about -not a nice trait and meeting YOUR maker will not be a nice experience for you. No wonder you are getting no reaction to your garbage – anyone who has any sense would not rub your ego by responding, it is already too big anyway! Tell me this, why do people leave names under their comments but keep their identity anonymous? They wouldn't ever be making the names up now, would they?

  18. Anonymous 7 Dec 00:21

    See new post above – I have a lot to say about your drivel there!

    As for people keeping their identity anonymous and putting their name under the comments could be simply the case they cannot remember their password, or are too lazy, to log into their Google account – I have done that myself, so what?

  19. I expected that's what you say – bet everyone else did as well! More allegations – you must be really bored, why don't you go make up some more – I am sure the world is holdin its breath….NOT!!

  20. haha love it this is soooo funny its like being back in the playground where there was always one who made up stories then couldnt back them up, grow up billy!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. These allegations against Councillor Lorraine Cameron especially the driving illegally and claiming petrol money from the council in the said dates above are entirely true, I myself have now lodged a complaint against Councillor Lorraine Cameron with the Council regarding these issues. I have evidence of this Councillor Lorraine Cameron is also aware I have the videos of her driving at the said times unaware she did not have a licence at the time, however now knowing differently I am now writing a formal complaint to commissioner for Ethical standards in public life in Scotland, this Councillor also offered me to use her address to vote YES in the referendum which I did not do. Councillor Lorraine Cameron in my opinion should not be representing any public member. I would be grateful if anyone at Paisley expressions would like to contact me.

    Everything I have filled as a complaint has got evidence to back it all up.

    Kind regards

  22. I do believe that you speaking about an innocent man that only wanted good things for his comunity you all have attacked someone that had no political contribution on this situation and have Meade a family break down till it has affected a complete family. So can you please re evaluate you're opinion Nd have some decency for others. Thank you.

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